Collaborative ministerial, government and non-government agencies and organisation in Somalia are working towards reducing communicable and non-communicable diseases while strengthening mental, social, reproductive, maternal, child, adolescent and neonatal health.
Public Health Issues
According to the WHO (World Health organization), prevalence of mental illness is the highest in Somalia. The commoncausesof mortality and morbidity in Somalia are diarrhoeal diseases, cholera, Tuberculosis,malaria and measles that also affects pregnant women and children. Since 2002, the absence of polio cases has been assured by special strengthened routine immunization activities and improved surveillance.
Somalia continues to suffer from food insecurity and high malnutrition rates, internal displacement and drought, poor feeding practices and health problems. Restricted and limited access to health activities in Somalia has contributed to the spread of diseases such as obstetrical problems, anaemia, acute respiratory tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Limited access to healthcare services in Somalia has increased the burden of ill health and frequency of disease outbreaks. The serious challenges faced by the health system include inequities and inaccessibility to quality healthcare services, increased levels of malnutrition, unavailability of safe drinking water supply, health issues related to poor sanitation, outbreaks of cholera and measles. Overall poor health situation in Somalia remains in spite of hospitals and clinics built that have qualified health professionals.
Public Health System
The Health Sector Strategic Plans of nationalhealthsystem under the Ministry ofHealththat aims to provide universalbasichealthcareto citizens ofSomalia. The infrastructure assessment and health facilities have been included in the Health Sector Strategic Plan, National Development Plan and Policy with support from national health authorities, WHO and all the other partners. Planners and decision-makers with evidence-based decisions meet the increasing health needs of the population and fill the gaps in existing healthcare services. The key solutions in the health system include accreditation of teaching and health facilities; improvement in regulations for health providers and monitoring capacities of regional or local health management bodies.
Some of the services include strengthening provision of basic health services; better access for underserved areas; appropriate services for disabilities; monitor and control disease outbreaks; Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI); integrated reproductive health services; access to emergency obstetric care; development of local health staff and management structure; increase in health sector for HIV/AIDS interventions and implementation of humanitarian health response. Strengthening core national health policies, strategies or plans; ministerial functions in strategic planning, policy formulation and health financing; building capacity of the health authorities to develop and implement regulatory, legislative and financial frameworks; and formulate a Universal Health Coverage strategy is necessary.
Integrated health services include implementation of primary healthcare service systems; effective functioning of hospitals and community-based infrastructure; skilled and equitably distributed workforce; providing patient safety, therapeutic guidelines and protocols at hospitals and other facilities. Somali national medicines policy (NMP) was generated with access to medicines and health technologies; health system strengthening (HSS); strengthening medicines regulatory authority (MRA); increase access to safe, efficacious and quality medicines and health technologies through the national supply system.
Online Course in Public Health (MPH)
James Lind Institute (JLI) provides an online MPH program – Master in Public Health to carve a successful career in public health practice. JLI also offers online courses in tropical medicine, sexual and reproductive health, global health, public health leadership, environmental health, occupational health & safety management, clinical research, pharmacovigilance, medical writing, clinical data management, nutrition and dietetics and allied domains.
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