Masters Public health

Public Health Nurse Training Online

Public Health Nurse Training Online

Public Health Nurse: An Interesting Profile

A public health nurse provides holistic care to a population within an area. Nurses who are working in tandem with government organizations aid in improvising the policies, healthcare facilities and updating data so as to improve the health of the nation as a whole. An individual must be able to shoulder various responsibilities and have good communication skills so that various health related topics can be discussed and their knowledge imparted to the general population. Apart from these an individual must have the confidence and the intellect to be able to design and implement various programs and campaigns for disease prevention and also an ability to identify and monitor individuals at high risk for various chronic diseases.

Public Health Nurses are the primary care providers in a community who impart education and thereby prevent the spread of a disease thereby ensuring a better quality of life to one and all. An individuals tasks vary based on where they are located or placed. In a rural community they screen individuals for infectious diseases as well as treating them and providing necessary vaccination and immunization to for maternal and child care services whereas in a school setup they provide the primary care to the child in case of an emergency but also making sure that required vaccinations are up-to-date and the health parameters are within limits. Thus, a nurse with a masters in public health has a wide horizon of job possibilities to choose.

Public Health Nurse: An opportunity for holistic care

A masters in public health promotes health at rural level, Urban level and finally the national level by educating individuals on varied health related topics such as prevention, immunizations, vaccination and most importantly cleanliness and sanitation. The online courses available for nurses are followed by a practical run-through at a healthcare setting so that an individual is well versed with all aspects especially on imparting lectures and workshops. It is mandatory for nurses pursuing public health course should be registered member with a nursing organization so as to be able to impart knowledge to the public.

Public Health Courses Offered

James Lind Institute provides a multidisciplinary approach with global guidelines in providing training as a Public health nurse. A degree in nursing and a nursing license are required to foray into the shoes of a public health nurse who work in conjunction with communities by providing access to health services. The opportunities are vast as with additional qualifications not only aiding an individual in finding better jobs but also providing multiple exciting opportunities to choose from by educating communities about diseases and chronic conditions while being associated with primary health care centers or being a nurse practitioner where an individuals can diagnose and treat medical conditions without the supervision of a licensed physician. The other lucrative opportunities being a health educator, a community health worker or instructing students in conducting research at colleges or universities(academician).

James Lind Institute offers Masters in Public Health (MPH) in collaboration with International Telematic University UNINETTUNO

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