Public Health Management

Public Health Management and Policy

Public health Management and policy

Public health plans and strategies define vision and policy directions of a country towards ensuring the population health. The dynamic process of developing Public Health strategies, policies and plans is complex but essential. Public Health Management and Policy systems are required to be cost-effective to increase health access and equity.

Health Management and Policy

Health management ensures prevention of diseases, prolongation of life span and promotion of public health through informed choices and organized efforts. Health policy refers to decisions, plans, strategies and actions undertaken to achieve specific healthcare goals within a community or society. An explicit health policy defines a vision for the future and establishes short and medium term health targets. The purpose of developing healthcare procedures and policies is to standardize daily operational activities communicated to employees for desired outcomes in an organization. Policies and procedures provide clarity and accountability on important issues or activities related to health and safety, regulatory requirements or legal liabilities.

Public Health Policy and Management concentrates on policy development and management of public health. The Public Health Management and Policy focuses on the administrative structure of public health organizations which impact health programs, policies and reimbursement of health services. The main aim is to develop leaders that manage organizations and influence policy-making to improve and protect public health. This allows employees to understand roles and efficiently carry out responsibilities within the organization.

Career Opportunities in Public Health Management

A career in management and health policy is ideal for individuals influencing public health by developing programs and analyzing policies. Aspirant with public health degree can work as hospital administrators, healthcare policy analyst or consultant, healthcare researchers, legislative affairs specialist, lobbyist and public affairs expert in health agencies, research and policy institutes, professional organizations and healthcare industry. The responsibility of public health professionals include assuring adequate public health infrastructure, promoting healthy behavior in communities, preventing spread of communicable disease, protecting against environmental health hazards and preparing or responding to emergencies. The roles of manager and policy developer require skills in financial management, economics, accounting, operation research, human resource, monitoring outcomes, avoiding risks, strategic and program planning to manage organizations.

Integrated, multidisciplinary curriculum and renowned faculty members in teaching institutes provide comprehensive understanding of healthcare services and policies. A degree in Health Policy and Management encompasses all topics related to public health including healthcare system and policies, socio-cultural studies and history of healthcare, biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental health, leadership and business management. The curriculums of such courses are designed to enable development of appropriate competence or skills, concentrate on health policies and advise students in public health management. The degree courses cover areas of business and financial management theories, business planning and management system, legal issues related to healthcare and leadership in healthcare management. These courses prepare students for wide variety of healthcare careers in the areas of healthcare marketing, management and policy by imparting organizational, teamwork and communication skills. Analytic and social skills along with political understanding are required for development, analysis and evaluation of policies.

Online Course at James Lind Institute

James Lind Institute (JLI) provides an online program – Master in Public Health Management (MPH) and Advance PG Diploma in Global Health Management & Policy for advancing your career in public health management and policy.

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