Agribusiness managementAgriculture

Online programs in agriculture and related fields

Online Programs in Agriculture

Agriculture is an age-old scientific industry essential for crop and animal management but with recent advances in technology this ancient practice has developed other specified operations.Education programs offer professional improvement, business and industrial training for basic knowledge and agricultural skills.

Agriculture and related fields

Knowledge of specific methods and techniques ensure proper, safe performance and management of agricultural operations. This also requires knowledge in major areas of agriculture economics and engineering, animal or plant science, agribusiness, livestock and crop production, food science and technologies, horticulture and soil science. Agricultural education institutes teach courses, impart knowledge and promote research settings. Scientific understanding of traditional practices and advanced techniques are disseminated in leading agricultural education centres for career opportunities in areas of veterinary medicine, pharmacology biochemistry, biotechnology,biomedicine, microbiology, genetics, agriculture, environmentalscience,ecology,plantbiology and zoology.

Major farming, agricultural and ranching companies employ dedicated employees towards promotion and marketing of products. Individuals involved in agricultural communications seek employment as public relations experts or journalists and marketers.Agricultural economistaddress issues of drought, flood and outbreaks of food-borne diseases. Agricultural engineering needs expertise and extensive knowledge of machinery, buildings, water lines, waste management and food safety. The field of agronomy deals with soil management and crop production. Animal veterinarians or geneticists help care for animals in collusion with ranch hands or breeders. Food science experts deal with food safety, research and development before marketing the product.

Online courses and programs

Mass food production and farming requires scientific understanding of sophisticated planting techniques and harvesting practices provided by number of institutes that offer certificate, diploma, graduate and postgraduate degree courses with career opportunities within agricultural sector. Courses target areas of property management, estate planning, horticulture, animal science, zoology and environmental preservation. Topics covered include current agricultural trends, technological implications in agriculture and issues of agricultural activities like food security, greenhouse gases and industrial agricultural practices. Students are made to understand interactions between pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and environmental factors that influence the ecosystem. These courses also outline strategies established in pest and weed identification for control and post-emergence procedures. Information material is provided on steps involved in soil sampling, analysis and interpreting results. Crop breeding observation and implication related to the process ofcrop development are also provided. Definition on types of irrigation systems, sustainable water and energy utilization are addressed along with global trade issues.

Different programs provide scientific courses for professionals in life sciences, agriculture and related fields covering agribusiness marketing, agriculture finance and management.Farm management studies are offered to students interested in the applied aspects of farming industry with the capability of understanding and ensuring technical decision-making with respect to demand related to agricultural products. The multi-disciplined programs combine topics related to agricultural resource systems and management settings. Since agriculture is becoming more business oriented, the training programs are provided in both farming and business. Online certificate courses provide agriculture entrepreneurs and professionals with advanced training in crop sciences relevant to food crop production.

Online Course at JLI

James Lind Institute (JLI)has recently launched Advanced PG Diploma in Agribusiness Management. Agribusiness offers exciting career opportunities in both developing and developed nations.

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