Mental Health: A Social Taboo
Mental health in general is a taboo subject worldwide. Developed nations have just recently started recognizing mental-health as a problem and started with both awareness campaigns as well services to be able to curb these issues. Developing nations are still struggling to recognize these issues and take immediate action. Depression and other mental, neurological disorders constitute 13% of the global burden of disease. We may not have cures and with limited preventive interventions only highlights our limited knowledge of functioning of the brain. The awareness in the educated individuals is so limited when it comes to mental disorders you can imagine the awareness and the ability to seek proper care for those are uneducated thus such services are frequently not available to those in greatest need.
When an individual is suffering from a mental disorder it is not only him but the suffering extends to family members and communities as there is social exclusion and discrimination. It would save cost and transform the health service sector if mental health services can be integrated with routine healthcare as it will provide a holistic care. Community programs which promote awareness and help in screening process along with providing basic guidance to individuals seeking care is important. New initiatives should be launched so that vulnerable populations are reached along with hose with serious mental disorders and various monetary, legislative barriers could be removed to improve the quality of care.
Advances in treatments have increased the boundaries of individuals receiving treatment as both pharmacological treatments and complementary alternative medicine are being widely promoted and gradually experiencing acceptance. However we do not have adequate number of individuals specialized for treating mental disorders hence to recognize these at primary level is mandatory and community at large considers these mental disorders as social stigma
Online Public Health Courses
James Lind Institute provides an opportunity for clinicians and allied healthcare professionals looking for a public health career by providing multiple public health courses. The courses offered are Advanced PG Diploma in Global Maternal and Child Health, Masters in Public Health (MPH), Professional Diploma in Public Health Management and Advanced PG Diploma in Global Health Management and Policy.