Public Health Leadership

Competency Framework in Public Health Leadership

Competency Framework in Public Health Leadership

Growing demands and increasing popularity of competency based education demonstrates better quality of performance and accountability to support development of leadership in public health.

Public Health Leadership

Public health leaders are professionals from multiple sectors of social work, health, psychology, education, business, non-profit organisation and community-based entities that analyse the factors and impact on public health. The field ofpublic healthleadership ensures ability to motivate, influence and enable all healthcare professionals and stakeholders to contribute toward the success and effectiveness of community health. Public health leadership programme allows discovery of leadership potential and equip health professionals with tested and practical leadership tools or resources. It generates immediate and lasting benefits that inspire to craft and achieve a vision and goal leading towards better public health. This increases the capacity of leaders to work collaboratively, transcend boundaries and transform communities by improving the delivery of public health services.

Competency Framework for Public Health Services

Competitiveness and quality concern in public health workforce has led to increased demands for standards in educational and training strategies. Identifying competency and development needs for public health leadership positions is prioritized because public health professionals are prepared in a wide array of disciplines. Professional organizations are required to define the role of public health leaders to establish competency standards. Sustained development of practice based standards among professional are based on conceptual designs that contribute to the measurement and acquisition of skills, knowledge and competencies. Short and long term evaluation measures are required to confirm acquired competencies. Defined technology based competencies used in designing leadership programs benefit sustainable and integrated development of leadership capacity; increases access, quality assurance and control. The competency based instruction is necessary in professional development of leaders in public health to address changing demands of critical healthcare services.

The validation of competency framework and standard development is essential in the area of public practice for professional recognition. Understanding limits and applications of developed Leadership Competency Framework to improve performance standards in public health practice is important in team and program assessment in an organization. It is also critical in the development and evaluation of a nationwide leadership system in public health workforce. The framework refines competency content; compares programs; evaluates educational outcomes; develops baseline measures, assessment needs and performance standards. The framework is regularly edited and reviewed for refinement in leadership performance standards of public health and reflects evolving competency criteria. It is continually evaluated and refined to improve public health practice and team performance.

Public health leadership competency framework informs and provides leadership curriculum to public health professionals. The Leadership Competency Framework designed by academic and public health practitioners set baseline for existing competency frameworks and review leadership development. Determining competencies provides a foundation for teaching objectives in standards design and development used to monitor outcome and impact of evaluation methods. The framework acts as a guide for module development and curriculum content in categories or levels of professional development; areas of team and trans-organizational building; standards for measurement of core functions in performance of public health leadership and services in an organisation. The framework is therefore useful in educating leaders by preparing a core curriculum in healthcare settings.

Online Public Health Leadership Course at JLI

James Lind Institute (JLI) provides an online program – Executive Certificate in Public health leadership & Research for better understanding of competency framework in public health leadership. JLI also provides an a Masters in Public Health (MPH ) in collaboration with International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Rome Italy.

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