Infectious diseases and epidemic forms of non-communicable diseases is a continuous threat to the public health system and resources.These challenges are compounded by limited human resources and lack of leadership.
Public health Leadership and Research
Major challenges such as scarcity of local data or evidence, limited health financing, heterogeneity in management approaches that access healthcare delivery and changing demographics affecting public health are recognised to require immediate attention. Public health agencies provide community based services to entire population with increased leading efforts from public health professionals capable of ensuring effectiveness in delivery of quality services. Organizational leadership is focused on the scientific understanding of improving quality and performance in public health system. Public health leaders are required to create vision with good decision making skills; posses social and networking skills in influencing, motivating and relationship building; prioritising planning or setting goals and problem solving; clarity and accuracy in communication or presentations; evaluating and managing conflict among team members; mentoring and coaching for better performance; technical capacity in negotiating and intelligence gathering; technical credibility in emotional intelligence; reflecting on self-awareness with characteristics in self-organisation, self-regulation and time management.
Effective leaders can shape the culture of an organization to accept or support innovative and evidence based strategies by applying scientific knowledge to sort public health problems. Implementation of research requires strong leaders with the ability to understand, identify and address the barriers; capacity to adopt and maintain evidence-based interventions; adapt and transfer findings to real-world from controlled settings in promotion of sustainability; address opportunities to face challenges associated with disseminating evidence and new interventions. This requires leaders to challenge the status quo of an agency or organization to introduce novel methods of making decisions; acquire transformational or trans-organizational, team managing, legislative and political competencies to address the complex and changing demands of public health services. Training and education encouragement promise efficient strategy and fosters effective leadership competencies to promote and develop qualified public health leaders which are critical in building public health infrastructure and address impeding challenges. Leadership institutes with tailored curriculum respond to improve implementation of public health research capacity and training leadership skills in public health workforce.
Certificate Courses in Public Health Leadership
Learning can inspire, engage and encourage health professionals to continue to invest time in developing leadership, communication and social skills which include self-regulation, time management, networking and relationship building to manage team in an organization. Certified courses in Public Health cover relevant areas to impart general principles and knowledge on contemporary public health. Developing leadership skills to face all public health challenges can create more effective leaders to meet and maintain national public health standards through continuing knowledge and education on emerging and established technical, organisational and public health issues. Such courses encompass advanced competencies in leadership effectiveness and organizational strategy to focus on ethics, budgeting, communications, grant writing, marketing and management skills. Certificate Program is designed to benefit public health system administrators, physicians, nurses and other healthcare experts. This program addresses problems relevant to delivery of healthcare services, health policy, patient safety, leadership and healthcare organizational management.
One such focussed and robust online course is Executive Certificate in Public Health Leadership and Research available at James Lind Institute (JLI) that helps build leadership potential which is important for public health leaders. This program allows public health experts and medical practitioners to acquire leadership proficiency and practical skills. The program provides validated leadership tools and resources with research training components that benefit public health professionals. The customized curriculum of this course focuses on implementation and addressing challenges of public health policy and program by mentoring and peer interaction with experienced experts from the industry.
Online Course at JLI
James Lind Institute (JLI) provides an online program – Executive Certificate in Public Health Leadership & Research and Master in Public Health Management for understanding importance of public health leadership and research.
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