Occupational Health Safety Management

Importance of OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) in the Workplace

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Importance of occupational health and safety

Protective umbrella to ensure physical, social andmental health and safetyin work environments is essential for a company or organisation. Occupational safetyandhealthsystem with effective and efficient framework for the workforce can help minimize and prevent workplace accidents, injuries, hazard, medical illnesses and death. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management Occupational health and safety (OHS) focuses on primary prevention of hazards while […]

Occupational Health Safety Management

Occupational Health Hazards

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Occupational Health Hazards

Workers are exposed to high risk of accidents and occupational health hazards. The need to create more awareness and draw attention in reducing or controlling workplace based occupational health hazards is essential. Occupational Health The public health issue of occupational illness is a potential risk to the health of individuals exposed to an unhealthy environment. The Act for Occupational Health […]


Agriculture and Cancers

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Agricultural Exposures and Cancer

According to researchers of National Cancer Institute, farmers due to long hours of exposure to sun, pesticides and other substances have higher rates of developing several deadly forms of cancer. Agricultural exposures and cancer Evidence suggest that increased physical activity and lower rates of smoking among farmers contribute to lesser cancer incidence but agricultural exposures to microbes, sunlight, pesticides and […]

Occupational Health Safety Management

Occupational Cancers

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Occupational Cancers

Every year thousands of people worldwide suffer from occupational or work-related cancers which have become the leading cause of deaths. Exposure to physical, chemical or biological causative agents in the work environment like radon gas, air pollution and infectious agents can cause cancer. Causes and Symptoms of Occupation Related Cancers Occupational exposure to certain industrial chemicals, radiation and processes has […]

Occupational Health Safety Management

Occupational Health and Safety Management

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Occupational Health and Safety management

Work related accidents and diseases are rampant across the world as most of the employers fail to realise and exercise their moral and legal responsibilities towards their employees’ wellbeing. Chemical hazards, physical hazards, biological hazards, psychological hazards and hazards associated with non-ergonomic practices are some of the most commonly encountered health hazards in various occupations. Occupational accidents and diseases levy […]