Clinical Trial Monitoring

Bioprinting and Oncology Research

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Bioprinting Oncology Research

In 1983, Charles Hullinvented stereolithography for printing human organs which recently resulted in promising field of Bioprinting that can be used for the generation of severaltypes of cells, tissues and organs. The 3D bioprinting can guide major innovations in diverse areas of art, manufacturing, education, engineering, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Bioprinting Bioprintingis three-dimensional multidisciplinary printing that covers all aspects of 3D […]

Clinical Trial Monitoring

Clinical Trial Phases

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Clinical Trail Phases

Clinical trialshelp test new methods or drugs or devices for diagnosis, prevention or treatment of various health conditions or diseases. Clinical trials are conducted to understand the safety and efficacy of a new drug or device that undergoes different stages of approval before it is sold in the market. The extensive research for the drug or device involves years of […]

Clinical Trial Monitoring

Clinical Trial Risk Based Centralized Remote Monitoring

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Clinical Trail Remote Monitoring

Why is monitoring required? Monitoring is mandated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in order to validate the integrity of the clinical trial. In general, this process is hugely personnel-intensive and involves site visits to inspect personnel, facilities, equipment, processes and documentation. It has been estimated that one third of the budget of the trial is spent on on-site […]

Clinical Trial Monitoring

Online Marketing Strategies for Clinical Trial Recruitment

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Online Marketing for Clinical Trails Recruitment

The most challenging task of a clinical trial is the recruitment of potential participants. Enrolling candidates in the trial involves a lot of obstacles that include limited knowledge on trials, concerns regarding deviating from standard care protocols, uncertainties in the process and personal hurdles. Also, there could be an intense competition among the candidates to participate in the trial in […]

Clinical Research

Training in Clinical Trial Management

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Training in Clinical Trial Management :- Clinical research comprises of testing and ascertaining the safety and efficacy of new unapproved health care products, including medical devices, biologics, and pharmaceuticals in human subjects. Clinical trials in human subjects are a pre-condition for marketing approvals, by local regulatory authorities such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Clinical Research

Clinical Research Associate Training (CRA Training)

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What are the key tasks of a Clinical Research Associate in Clinical Trial experiments? CRA Training :- A CRA (Clinical Research Associate) is responsible in design, scheduling, preparation, execution and review of a clinical trial experiment to guarantee it that it sticks to regulatory and ethical guidelines. CRA’s also play a key role in data exchange with all the stake holders.