
How does precision farming work?

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Precision Farming

Agricultural methods and practices along with innovative farming technologies have been adopted worldwide to improve crop yield, reduce waste and mitigate risks associated with agricultural uncertainty. Precision farming Precision agricultureis modern farming practice which involves observing, measuring and responding to intra and inter-field crop variability. It is also called satellitefarmingwith site specific crop farming management concept that makes production process […]


Farm management and Measures to Improve Farming Productivity

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Farm Management

Future agricultural progress depends on decreasingenvironmental risksand improving the quality of productive management by adjusting decisions-making with the changing environment. Farm management Management and implementation of decision-making process at farm level involves organizing and operating for higher productivity and maximum profit.Farm managementinvolvesagriculturaleconomics to draw information on market prices,agriculturalpolicies and economic institutions for purpose of leases, credit and loans. It is […]


Types of crop production system

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crop production system

The main focus of agricultural industry lies on challenges faced by crop producers in the area of marketing support, sustainable cultural practices, integrated pest management, environmental and human health risks, regulations and profitability. Crop production There are different types of agricultural production system depending on the type of crop and use. The types of feed or row crop grown by […]


What is the importance of soil science in Agribusiness?

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Soil Science in Agribusiness

Agricultural soil science studies the physical, chemical, biological and mineralogical composition of soil by conducting research in soil classification, tillage,irrigation and drainage, plant nutrition,soil fertility and other areas related to agriculture that benefit agribusiness. Soil Science Soil is mixture of different material including minerals, rock, water and air that lies on top of the land containing living and dead matter. […]


Importance of Modern Technology in Agribusiness

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Technology Agribusiness

Farming technologies provide sustainable methods of agricultural production by increasing global crop yield to meet rising demand for food caused by income and population growth. Major part of the world’s population is involved directly or indirectly with farming and agribusiness. Modern Farming Technology Modern agriculture is an evolving approach with innovations in farming practices that helps in increasing agricultural efficiency […]


Industrial Agriculture and Environmental Impacts

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Industrial Agriculture and environmental impacts

Industrial farming yield a relatively small amount of food like fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy products but produce staggering quantities of greenhouse gases and wastes that pollute air, water and soil. This contributes to climate change, biodiversity loss, coral reef degeneration, land and water degradation, acid rain and deforestation.


Agriculture and Cancers

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Agricultural Exposures and Cancer

According to researchers of National Cancer Institute, farmers due to long hours of exposure to sun, pesticides and other substances have higher rates of developing several deadly forms of cancer. Agricultural exposures and cancer Evidence suggest that increased physical activity and lower rates of smoking among farmers contribute to lesser cancer incidence but agricultural exposures to microbes, sunlight, pesticides and […]


Agribusiness and Public Health

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Agribusiness Public Health

The roadmap of Agribusiness can align human biology and modern lifestyles, prevent spread of non communicable diseases and harness the power to reduce poverty and hunger. The ecological principles and natural systems of agriculture and farming need careful management to promote health.